«ik loop,
en het lopen warmt me op.
zodra ik me verplaats, neemt de ruimte tussen ons in een andere vorm aan
« i walk, and the walking warms me up.
when i move, the space between us changes shape.
Puck Füsers

«Skin Hunger», an immersive multidisciplinary performance directed by Mireia Varón Gallofré in collaboration with the sound designer Myra-Ida van der Veen and the poet Puck Füsers, emerges from Danslab 2024, an initiative supported by ViaZuid Talentontwikkeling Podiumkunsten Limburg and Sally Dansgezelschap Maastricht.

Prioritizing accessibility from its inception, this unique, research-based performance weaves together dance, sound, poetry, and technology to create a deeply immersive experience that engages all audiences, with special attention to blind and visually impaired users.


3/11, Tryout research outcomes «Skin Hunger« , AINSI, Maastricht, NL

17/11, Tryout research outcomes «Skin Hunger«, Studio FCP, Amsterdam, NL

‘My blindfold, damp with tears, stayed on.
«Mireia has created a world where the dominant sense plays no role, leaving you to rely on your remaining sensory receptors. The brain’s struggle to cope with the unexpected absence of its most relied-upon input is almost palpable, eliciting emotions, uncertainties, and an overwhelming need for stability.
The experience was both extraordinary and deeply moving
Raymond van Soldt –
Projectleider bij Het onzichtbare zichtbaar

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